Lauren Mixon: Sleep Training, Getting Out of Survival Mode, and Building Healthy Sleep Habits

Mama needs her sleep! Can I get an Amen? You guys, I am so excited for you to listen to today’s conversation with baby sleep trainer Lauren Mixon as we chat about all things sleep training, as well as what it looks like to get OUT of survival mode and into a place of THRIVING. Whether you’re still in those early newborn days or are further along in your motherhood journey, I believe this episode offers some great encouragement and practical wisdom on how us moms can start to get more rest and better sleep!

In today’s episode, Lauren and I chat about:

- the heart and backstory behind her work as a baby sleep trainer

- common sleep-related struggles moms face

- the importance of having good rest and how sleep training can help moms get out of survival mode and into a place of thriving

- confusion and controversy surrounding sleep training

- practical wisdom and encouragement for the mom who is currently sleep training or thinking about sleep training

- sleep training resources, including her Better Sleeping Baby Course

Resources Mentioned:

Better Sleeping Baby Course

Better Sleeping Baby Mom Squad Facebook Group

Lauren’s Website

Follow Lauren on Instagram

Jessie Ereddia